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NHS Pay Award 2024 – 25

The GMB Union NHS Noticeboard is the best place to keep up to date with our pay situation for the year 2024-25

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Please UPDATE your personal and work contact details so that we are able to communicate with you. GMB Union will commence a consultative ballot of members on 19th August 2024 and will close at midday 4th October 2024.

Update online via your LOGIN at the GMB Website

Update via your Branch Reps

Update via your local GMB Plymouth office 01752 660219

NHS Pay Award: Headlines

  1. What is the pay award for NHS Agenda for Change Staff?

Government have announced that they will honour the NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) recommendations on pay for 2024/25 in full. These are:

  • Uplifting all pay points for Agenda for Change (AfC) staff by 5.5% on a consolidated basis, taking effect from 1 April 2024.
  • Adding intermediate pay points at AfC Bands 8a and above.
  • Working with the NHS Staff Council to take forward the PRB’s recommendations on AfC pay structures.
  1. When will I receive the pay award?

It is expected that the pay award, including back pay to 1st April 2024, will be paid in October 2024.

  1. Who will receive the pay award?

The pay award is for all directly employed AfC staff.

GMB has raised our concerns about staff who are not on AfC contracts and how they are regularly excluded from AfC pay awards. GMB is calling on Government to provide additional funding to ensure that these workers can also benefit from the pay award. We want any pay award for AfC staff to be given to all staff providing NHS services – whether they are employed by private contractors or wholly owned subsidiaries. We must give parity of pay and terms to all workers in the NHS.

This pay award is for England only. We would expect that any additional funding for NHS pay would mean that Barnett Consequential would apply and the necessary additional funding provided for devolved nations. However, as the money for this pay award has been re-allocated from other departmental budgets, it is unlikely that additional money will be received by devolved nations. Governments in Wales and Scotland have committed to negotiating pay with recognised health unions.

  1. What are GMB doing now?

GMB will now run a consultative ballot on the imposed pay award for all GMB members across the NHS and ambulance service. Only GMB members will be eligible to vote.

  1. What is a consultative ballot?

A consultative pay ballot is for members to inform GMB whether you are happy with the pay award or not, and if not, whether you would be willing to take part in industrial action to pursue an improved pay award. A consultative ballot can be run electronically via survey links or QR codes. More details on this process will be issued by your GMB region shortly.

If GMB members vote to say they are not happy with the pay award and are willing to take industrial action to pursue this further, GMB may move to a formal ballot for industrial action in your workplace. It is important to note that a large majority of GMB members would need to vote against the pay award and be willing to take part in industrial action for us to pursue an improved pay award.

GMB is looking for GMB members in workplaces to volunteer to be ‘voter champions’. These are members who speak to their colleagues during a ballot period to encourage them to vote. If you would be interested in volunteering to support ballot efforts, please email your details to

  1. What can I do to get involved with GMBs pay campaign?

If you’re not a GMB member, join today at

Ask your work colleagues to join GMB too.

Email to do any of the below:

  • Become a GMB Representative, pay campaign volunteer or voter champion in your workplace.
  • Share you stories with GMB, by sending a video or emailing us (photo optional) and telling us what it’s like working in the NHS today and why a pay increase is needed now.

Arrange a workplace meeting with GMB and your colleagues to discuss the pay campaign.